Shutdown v1.02
Shutdown is a powerful Windows shutdown utility. It supports many command line options to fit your needs.
© Copyright 2002, RJL Software, Inc.
Product Description
This program can be setup to shutdown, logoff, turn off or restart a user's machine. Very easy to use and distribute, no is installation required. By default (with no command line options), Shutdown will simply shutdown Windows. With the command line options, you can manipulate the functionality of this program. There is NO user interface for this program, when you run shutdown, it will execute the commands passed. You can also view the product information online for Shutdown. Product LicenseFreeware How to CloseIt will close by itself when it has completed its task. Command Line Options
SHUTDOWN.EXE {command option} {force}
Minimum System:
Supported Operating System(s):
RJL Software Incorporated
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