"sin" // sine "cos" // cosine "tg" // tangent "sinh" // sine hyperbolic "cosh" // cosine hyperbolic "tgh" // tangent hyperbolic "arcsin" // arcus sine "arccos" // arcus cosine "arctg" // arcus tangent "arcsinh" // arcus sine hyperbolic "arccosh" // arcus cosine hyperbolic "arctgh" // arcus tangent hyperbolic "sqrt" // square root "exp" // exponential "log" // logaritm natural "log10" // logaritm decadic "log2" // logaritm binary "abs" // absolute value "sgn" // signum "fix" // fixed-point part "frac" // floating-point part "rnd" // random number "comb" // combination "perm" // permutation // special functions: "quit" // quit application "tree" // print internal notation of arguments "print" // print arguments (print strings, process&print expressions) "time" // seconds elapsed since 1970-01-02 "plot" // draw graph, args are: expr, symbol, from, to[, cols, rows, pretty] "symbols" // list defined symbols and their values "diff" // symbolic differentiaion (derivation), args are: expr, symbol[, grade, xvalue]